Thursday 2 September 2010

Edinburgh Fringe!

The Edinburgh Fringe is the world biggest arts festival. There's so much to see and do!
I only had 2 nights there once I was back from Poland
but I would LOVE to go back next year for more.
I was lucky enough to tag along with best friend who was there with work, so we saw lots of shows put on by people she works with. John Luke Roberts and Kevin Eldon were highlights.
I'm inspired to go to more stand up...
luckily there's a new comedy place opening up in Nottingham!
I felt very fortunate to have the chance to go with someone who knows where they're going as well as staying in a very lovely apartment!
I hadn't been to Edinburgh since I was a kid so it was great to spend some time there.
Its a very beautiful city...I will certainly be returning, Fringe or no Fringe!

A fantastic end to my break!

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